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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-12 03:55:14  浏览:9102   来源:法律资料网
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全国爱卫会 铁道部 交通部 等


考核标准 | 考核项目 | 考核内容
一、有健全的自 |1.爱卫会组织 | 领导重视,组织健全,任务落实,有
身卫生管理组织和完 | |足够的活动经费。
善的卫生管理制度, |2.卫生管理制度 | 出示书面材料(有专、兼职清洁队)
并付诸实施。有计划 |3.卫生检查评比制 | 出示书面材料(有奖、罚制度)
地改善卫生基础设 | 度 |
施,增添必要的卫生 |4.卫生设施和用具 | 实地考察,设施齐全,性能和使用良
设备。 | |好。
二、室内、外环境|5.环境卫生 | 考察环境清洁美观,主要道路旁及
整洁,建好、管好厕 | |公共场所绿化美化达95%,不得有垃
所,处理好垃圾污物,| |圾、粪便、污物、污水、废弃物、烟头、纸
达到净化、美化、绿 | |屑。站、港、场区不得饲养家禽。货物堆
化。各等候室符合《中| |放整齐。
华人民共和国公共交 |6.厕所管理 | 各等候室内厕所数量、蹲位够用,布
通等候室卫生标准》,| |局合理,通风良好,无臭味,无蝇蛆,保洁
有医疗急救设施,有 | |制度健全,洗手等各种设施完好,管区内
禁止吸烟的规定和措 | |无旱厕所。
施。生活饮用水符合 |7.垃圾处理 | 垃圾日产日清,有固定垃圾点,储运
国家标准,污水排放 | |密闭化,垃圾箱、桶清洁,周围无垃圾。机
合格率不低于80%。| |上垃圾袋装并集中处理,机上粪便进行
| |初步无害化处理,有专用污水车。
|8.室内环境卫生质 | 出示监测报告,有连续两年、完整的
| 量 |监测资料,各项指标及有关规定符合国
| |家标准。
|9.医疗急救 | 了解旅客疾病救治措施及设备。掌
| |握空难事故的抢救预案、抢救器材和救
| |护车配备情况。
|10.禁止吸烟 | 各等候室禁止吸烟,要有禁烟标志、
| |措施及监督人员,如设吸烟室要通风良
| |好,无香烟广告。
|11.饮用水 | 水质量符合国家饮用水标准,公共
| |饮水设施及加水车、储水罐卫生良好。
|12.污水排放 | 排放合格率(理化标准)不低于
| |80%。

考核标准 | 考核项目 | 考核内容
三、食品经营、运|13.食品售货与旅 | 出示食品卫生监督记录。考察等候
输、储存符合《中华人| 客餐厅 |室内各类食品售货卫生状况,食品生、熟
民共和国食品卫生 | |分开,炊具、容器生熟分开、标志明显,包
法》的要求,3年内未| |装食品有“两期”,无腐败变质及过期食
发生集体性职工和旅 | |品。
客的食物中毒;食品 | | 从业人员体验率100%,健康证及
在运输、装卸中不受 | |卫生许可证发放率100%,“五病”调离
污染。 | |率100%。
| | 卫生知识及《食品卫生法》培训合格
| |发证率95%以上。
| | 检查从业人员个人卫生情况。
|14.职工食堂卫生 | 要求同上。
|15.食物中毒发生 | 出示3年内未发生食物中毒报告。
| 和预防情况 |检查食品卫生许可证、从业人员健康证
| |和卫生培训记录。有健全的卫生制度,有
| |专、兼职卫生管理员。食品采购、储藏、保
| |管及加工有严格的程序和制度。
四、劳动卫生和 |16.劳动卫生状况 | 出示3年内职业病和职业中毒发生
职业病防治制度、设 | |情况的书面材料,劳动环境监测报告(监
施健全,有监测手段,| |测数据合格率80%以上),了解作业场
3年内无新的职业病 | |所卫生状况。
例和职业中毒发生。 | | 职工休息间、女工卫生间和票房卫
| |生符合要求。
| | 有毒有害作业点有监测和防护设
| |施。
五、媒介生物控 |17.组织除“四害”| 出示书面材料(包括组织、措施落实
制效果明显,灭鼠、 | 活动情况 |情况和消杀记录)。
蝇、蚊、蟑螂、臭虫等| | 室内粉迹法鼠密度低于3%,室外
均达到全国爱卫会办 | |夹日法低于1%;检查建筑物50处,新
公室制订的有关标 | |的鼠迹、咬痕、鼠粪、鼠洞阳性率不超过
准。 | |3%。并有长期防鼠灭鼠措施。
| | 有防蚊、蝇、蟑螂、臭虫措施,蚊蝇孳
| |生地得到控制。
| | 鼠、蚊、蝇、蟑螂、臭虫密度分别达到
| |全国爱卫办灭鼠、蚊、蝇、蟑、臭虫先进单
| |位标准。为部门或省市级以上的灭鼠先
| |进单位。

考核标准 | 考核项目 | 考核内容
六、认真贯彻《中|18.贯彻《传染病防| 出示书面材料。
华人民共和国传染病 | 治法》和《国境|
防治法》和《中华人民| 卫生检疫法》情|
共和国国境卫生检疫 | 况。 |
法》,各种传染病发病|19.传染病发病情 | 卫生防疫站证明各类传染病低于当
率明显低于本系统和 |况 |地发病水平,3年内无传染病流行。
该地区的传染病平均 | |
发病率,3年内未发 | |
生传染病流行。 | |
七、开展经常性 |20.健康教育活动 | 出示对旅客和职工进行健康教育活
健康教育活动,领导 | |动及效果的资料;考察健康教育形式、内
和职工有良好的卫生 | |容;现场检查职工的个人卫生。
习惯,对旅客、职工的|21.卫生监督措施 | 有卫生监督员及监督材料。
不卫生行为有指导监 | |
督措施。 | |
八、国内外旅客 |22.国内、外旅客反| 查阅旅客意见簿或评议书;征求旅
对卫生状况反映良 | 映 |客意见;了解社会和舆论的评价情况。
好。 | |
考核标准 | 考核项目 | 考核内容
一、有健全的自 |1.有卫生管理组织 | 出示书面材料。
身卫生管理组织和完 | 和人员 |
善的卫生管理制度, |2.有专职的卫生清 | 现场检查
并付诸实施;卫生设 | 洁队 |
施和急救设备完好。 |3.有卫生管理制度 | 出示书面材料。
|4.有卫生检查考核 | 出示书面材料。
| 记录 |
|5.卫生设施 | 实地考察,设施齐全、完好。
|6.急救设备 | 急救药箱、药品、器材齐全,能及时
| |补充、更换、存放在固定地点。
二、车厢、机舱、|7.车厢、机舱、船舱 | 出示卫生监督机构监测资料,各项
船舱内的环境卫生达 | 卫生 |指标符合国家标准,有两年以上的监督
到《中华人民共和国 | |数据。
公共交通工具卫生标 | | 车厢、机舱、船舱清洁美观,空气清
准》的要求;车容、机| |新,地毯(地面)清洁无污物,玻璃明亮,
容、船容卫生整洁;垃| |桌面、扶手无污垢,定期消毒。旅客列车
圾等废弃物按规定处 | |卧具硬卧为1单程1换,软卧为1人1
理,不污染城市、港 | |换,椅套整洁。
口、机场、车站以及列| | 机舱头片1人1换,毛毯加封,书
车途经的隧道和桥 | |报、耳机摆放整齐。
梁。 | | 船舶卧具三等客舱1航次1换,二
| |等以上客舱1人1换。
| |
|8.健康检查 | 出示体检合格证和公共场所卫生许
|9.垃圾处理 |可证。
| | 车厢垃圾袋装或设卫生箱,塑料饭
| |盒回收率达80%以上。
| | 船舱垃圾装袋,返港后集中处理。甲
| |板上不得有垃圾。
| | 机上垃圾实行袋装,集中处理。传染
| |病人用过的物品单独放入袋内,并有明
| |显标志。
|10.厕所卫生 | 厕所无臭味,地面清洁,马桶、洗手
| |池等卫生设施齐全完好,机上厕所按规
| |定投加化粪剂。

考核标准 | 考核项目 | 考核内容
三、食品经营、运|11.食品供水和操 | 出示卫生监督机构当年卫生监督记
输、储存符合《中华人| 作间、餐车卫 |录、卫生许可证、工作人员健康合格证和
民共和国食品卫生 | 生 |卫生培训记录。
法》的要求,3年内未| | 检查操作间卫生,要求容器、台面清
发生职工和旅客的集 | |洁、无异味;餐食、饮料新鲜。餐、饮具消
体性食物中毒。 | |毒合格。
| | 饮用水符合国家饮用水卫生标准。
| | 客机水箱定期冲洗。
| | 出售和供应给旅客的食品符合食品
| |卫生法的要求。
|12.食物中毒和食品 | 出示卫生监督机构出具的3年内未
| 污染发生情况 |发生食物中毒的报告或证明。
| | 出示3年内未发生食品运输污染事
| |故的检查记录。
四、3年内无新 |13.职业病和职业中 | 了解劳动卫生、劳动防护工作情况,
的职业病例和职业中 | 毒情况 |出示3年内无新的职业病例和职业中毒
毒发生。 | |发生报告。
| | 船舶的机舱工作人员有有效的劳动
| |防护设施。
| | 女职工劳动防护规定应符合国家要
| |求。
五、媒介生物的 |14.除“四害”情况 | 出示除“四害”书面材料。
控制必须达到灭鼠先 | | 车厢鼠、蟑密度达标,始发站苍蝇1
进单位标准,控制蝇、| |个视野少于3个。
蚊、蟑螂、臭虫达到 | | 客机鼠密度为零,无蟑螂,在始发站
《国境卫生检疫法实 | |客舱内无蚊、蝇。
施细则》中交通工具 | | 船舶为部门授予的灭鼠先进单位,
的卫生要求。 | |蝇、蚊、蟑、臭虫的控制达全国爱卫办规
| |定的标准。

考核标准 | 考核项目 | 考核内容
六、认真贯彻《中|15.贯彻《传染病防治| 提供有关资料,职工传染病发病率
华人民共和国传病防 | 法》情况 |低于当地水平;有自身管理制度。
治法》和《中华人民共|16.贯彻《国境卫生检| 提供有关资料。
和国国境卫生检疫 | 疫法》情况 |
法》;3年内未发生传|17.传染病流行情况 | 出示近3年传染病发病情况资料。
染病流行。 | | 船医对传染病的报告率及转报率
| |100%。
七、开展经常性 |18.健康教育情况 | 出示对旅客、职工进行健康教育的
的健康教育,领导和 | |资料和宣传效果报告。
职工有良好的卫生习 |19.卫生监督措施 | 了解经常性卫生监督情况。
惯。对职工和旅客的 | | 列车考查“三禁止”的情况。
不良卫生行为有监督 |20.职工卫生防病知 | 要求机组掌握自救互救技术,车、
指导措施。职工有一 | 识 |船、机乘务员掌握简单卫生防病知识。
般性卫生防病知识, |21.禁止吸烟措施 | 国内和国际航班国内段禁止吸烟,
有劝阻吸烟措施。 | |国际航班内有禁烟区。
| | 车厢、船舱内禁止吸烟。
八、国内、外旅客|22.国内、外旅客反映| 阅查旅客意见簿或评议书;征求旅
对卫生状况反映良 | |客意见;了解社会和舆论的评价情况。
好。 | |

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第一条 为支持外商投资企业的生产经营活动,扩大对外经济技术合作,有利于促进国民经济的发展,特制定本办法。
第二条 中国银行按照国家政策,本着安全、有利、服务的原则,对外商投资企业的建设工程及生产经营所需的资金提供贷款,优先支持经济效益好的产品出口企业和先进技术企业。
第三条 外商投资企业,即中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业(以下简称企业),凡符合本办法第七条规定的贷款条件的,均可向中国银行申请贷款。
第四条 中国银行办理贷款,必须与借款企业签订借款合同,并加强贷款管理。
第五条 中国银行对企业办理下列贷款:
第六条 贷款货币分为本币和外币两类。本币即人民币;外币包括美元、英镑、日元、港币、联邦德国马克以及中国银行同意的其他可兑换货币。
第七条 外商投资企业申请贷款应当具备以下条件:
第八条 贷款期限的计算,自借款合同生效之日起,至合同规定的还清全部本息和费用之日止。
第九条 固定资产贷款期限,不超过七年,个别特殊项目经中国银行同意,可适当延长,但不得超过企业营业执照限定的经营期结束前一年。
第十条 流动资金贷款期限,不超过十二个月。
第十一条 人民币贷款利率按中国人民银行规定的国营企业贷款利率执行。
第十二条 人民币贷款按中国人民银行规定的计息期和计息办法执行;外币贷款按借款合同规定的计息期和计息办法执行。
第十三条 企业向中国银行申请贷款,按以下程序办理:
第十四条 企业应当按照借款合同规定的时间、金额和用途使用贷款。
第十五条 企业向中国银行申请贷款,中国银行认为需要担保的,必须提供经中国银行认可的担保。
第十六条 企业向中国银行提供以下担保:
第十七条 抵押担保贷款,企业须与中国银行签署抵押文件。抵押文件须经中国公证机关公证。抵押物须向中国人民保险公司投足额保险。
第十八条 企业须按照借款合同的规定按期如数偿还贷款,支付利息和费用。
第十九条 企业在纳税之后的净现金收入,应当首先偿还固定资产贷款。
第二十条 对不遵守借款合同规定的企业,中国银行有权根据借款合同,视违约情节,采取以下措施以维护权益:
第二十一条 企业如未按期归还贷款本金和支付利息,信用担保贷款,由担保企业(单位)负责偿还所欠贷款本息和费用;抵押担保贷款,中国银行依据法律规定有权以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押品的价款,优先得到偿付贷款的本息及其他欠款。
第二十二条 中国银行有权对企业使用贷款的情况进行检查。在还清贷款之前,企业应当向中国银行定期报送有关工程建设进度和生产、销售、财务等各项计划以及执行情况的报表、资料。企业业主为另一法人的,中国银行认为必要时,业主的年度财务报表,应当报送中国银行。
第二十三条 企业在还清贷款前,经营中的资金往来,除中国银行同意者外,均须通过在中国银行开立的帐户办理,不得擅自将资金转移到其他银行或者金融机构。中国银行认为必要时,有权要求企业开立“保管帐户”。
第二十四条 企业董事会或者业主有关财务方面的重大决议或者决定以及董事会的人事变动等,应当及时通知中国银行;企业的合营合同和合作合同及企业章程的重大修改和补充,如影响到中国银行债权时,应当事先征求中国银行意见。
第二十五条 除中国银行同意者外,企业与中国银行签订的借款合同及附件等法律文件的有效文字为中文,适用法律为中华人民共和国法律。
第二十六条 本办法的实施细则,由中国银行总行制定。经济特区内的中国银行,可根据其业务的具体情况,拟定细则,报中国银行总行批准后执行。
第二十七条 本办法自发布之日起施行。一九八一年三月十三日国务院批准、中国银行发布的《中国银行办理中外合资经营企业贷款暂行办法》同时废止。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on April 7, 1987 and promulgated by
the Bank of China on April 24, 1987)
Article 1
These Measures are formulated for the purpose of supporting the production
and business activities of enterprises with foreign investment, expanding
the economic and technological co-operation with foreign countries, and
facilitating and promoting the development of national economy.
Article 2
The Bank of China shall, in accordance with the State policies and on the
basis of the principles of ensuring safety and benefit and providing
services, grant loans to enterprises with foreign investment that need
funds for their construction projects and production and business
operations, with the priority to those product-for-export enterprises and
advanced technology enterprises which enjoy good economic returns.
Article 3
Enterprises with foreign investment, i.e. Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures and Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures, and foreign-
capital enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "enterprises") that
qualify for obtaining loans as prescribed in Article 7 of these Measures
may apply to the Bank of China for loans.
Article 4
The Bank of China must, when providing loans, sign a loan agreement with
the borrower and strengthen the management of its loans.
Article 5
The Bank of China shall grant the following loans to the enterprises:
1. Fixed assets loans to be used for covering the expenses for the
construction, the purchase of technology and equipment, and the
installation of the equipment incurred by capital construction projects
and technical innovation projects. The loans shall be divided into the
following forms:
(1) medium and short-term loans;
(2) buyer's credit;
(3) syndicate loans;
(4) project loans.
2. Working capital loans to be used as funds needed in the enterprises'
production and circulation of commodities and in their normal business
operations. The loan shall be divided into the following forms:
(1) production reserves and operating loans;
(2) incidental loans;
(3) current deposit overdraft.
3. Loans on spot exchange mortgage to be granted by the Bank of China in
accordance with the provisions of the Interim Measures Concerning the
Renminbi with Foreign Investment promulgated by the People's Bank of
4. Stand-by loans to be granted by the Bank of China upon examination and
approval of the application submitted by an enterprise, and be put by and
used for future special purposes as specified in the application.
Article 6
The currencies in respect of loans shall be divided into domestic currency
and foreign currencies. The domestic currency refers to Renminbi and
foreign currencies shall include U.S. Dollars, British Sterling Pounds,
Japanese Yens, Hong Kong Dollars, Federal German Marks, and other
convertible currencies accepted by the Bank of China.
Article 7
Any enterprise with foreign investment that applies for loans shall
satisfy the following precondition:
1. The applying enterprise has obtained a business licence issued by a
Chinese administrative department for industry and commerce and has opened
an account with the Bank of China.
2. The registered capital of the applying enterprise has been fully paid
in within the prescribed period of time and has been increased in
accordance with the law.
3. The board of directors of the applying enterprise has made the decision
on the borrowing and has issued the letter of authorization.
4. The programme of investment in fixed assets of the applying enterprise
has been approved by a planning department.
5. The applying enterprise has the ability to repay the loan and has
provided the reliable guarantee for repaying the principal and interest.
Article 8
The term of a loan shall commence from the day on which the loan contract
goes into effect and terminate on the day on which the principal, the
interest, and all other relevant fees have been paid in full as stipulated
by the contract.
Article 9
The term for a fixed assets loan shall not exceed 7 years. The term of a
loan for a particular project of a special type may, subject to the
approval of the Bank of China, be properly extended, but such extension
shall not exceed the time which is one year prior to the termination of
business of the enterprise as prescribed by the business licence of the
Article 10
The term of a working capital loan shall not exceed 12 months.
Article 11
The interest rates of loans in Renminbi shall be calculated in accordance
with the interest rates of loans granted to State-owned enterprises as
determined by the People's Bank of China.
The interest rates of loans in foreign currencies shall be calculated in
accordance with the integrated interest rates set by the Head Office of
the Bank of China; it may also be determined through consultation between
the lender and the borrower in the light of the interest rates in the
international market. The interest rates with respect to foreign buyer's
credit and other credits shall be determined on the basis of the agreed
rates plus a certain margin.
Article 12
The period and method for calculating interest with respect to loans in
Renminbi shall be those prescribed by the People's Bank of China; the
period and method for calculating interest with respect to loans in
foreign currencies shall be those prescribed in loan contracts.
Article 13
Any enterprise that applies to the Bank of China for a loan shall go
through the following procedures:
1. The enterprise shall submit an application, together with the
corresponding certifications and materials in the light of the specific
details of the requirement for the loan;
2. The Bank of China shall examine and assess the application and the
certifications and materials submitted, and upon verification and
approval, the lender and the borrower shall sign a loan contract through
Article 14
The enterprise shall use the loan in accordance with the schedule, amount
and scope for use as stipulated in the loan contract.
Article 15
In case where the Bank of China deems it necessary for the enterprise
applying for loans to provide a guarantee, the enterprise must provide one
that is acceptable to the Bank.
Article 16
The enterprise may submit to the Bank of China the following guarantees:
1. Credit guarantee. The enterprise may submit to the Bank of China an
irrevocable letter of guarantee for the repayment of the principal and
interest of the loan issued by a financial institution, or an enterprise,
or any other unit that enjoys creditworthiness and has the capability to
repay the debt.
2. Mortgage guarantee. The enterprise may mortgage its property and rights
and interests to the Bank of China as guarantee for the repayment of the
principal and interest of the loan granted by the Bank of China. The
following items may be mortgaged:
(1) building property, machinery and equipment;
(2) marketable goods in stock;
(3) deposits or deposit certificates in foreign currencies;
(4) negotiable securities and instruments;
(5) stock equities or other transferable rights and interests.
Article 17
An enterprise that is to obtain a loan secured by mortgage shall sign a
mortgage document with the Bank of China, which shall be notarized by a
Chinese notary office. The collateral security shall be insured with the
People's Insurance Company of China in its full value. The enterprise
shall provide both credit guarantee and mortgage guarantee when the Bank
of China deems it necessary.
Article 18
The enterprise shall, in accordance with the loan contract, repay the loan
and pay the interest and other relevant fees in full and on schedule.
Article 19
The after-tax net cash income of the enterprise shall first be used to
repay the fixed assets loan.
Article 20
With respect to an enterprise that fails to comply with the provisions of
the loan contract, the Bank of China shall have the right to adopt the
following measures to safeguard its rights and interests in accordance
with the loan contract and in the light of the seriousness of the breach:
1. setting a deadline for the rectification of the breach;
2. suspending the loan;
3. recalling the loan ahead of schedule;
4. notifying the guarantor to perform its guarantee responsibility.
Article 21
If the enterprise fails to repay the principal of the loan and pay the
interest, in the case of a loan in credit guarantee, the guarantor
enterprise (or unit) shall be liable for repaying the defaulted principal
of the loan and paying the defaulted interest and relevant fees thereon
and, in the case of a loan on mortgage guarantee, the Bank of China shall,
in accordance with the provisions of the law, have the right and priority
to have the principal of the loan repaid and have the defaulted interest
and other fees thereon paid with the collateral security duly commuted or
with the money derived from selling the collateral security.
With respect to a loan which the enterprise fails to repay on schedule,
the Bank of China shall impose as a penalty an additional interest at a
rate ranging from 20 percent to 50 percent above its original rate
starting from the day repayment is overdue.
Article 22
The Bank of China shall have the right to examine the situation as to how
the enterprise is using the loan. The enterprise shall periodically report
to the Bank of China the progress of the construction of the project
concerned, the plans for its production, sales and finance, and submit the
statements and materials of implementation thereof until the loan is fully
repaid. If the owner of the enterprise is represented by another legal
person, the owner shall, when the Bank of China deems it necessary, submit
to the Bank of China its annual financial statement.
When the Bank of China is conducting inspection of credit, the enterprise
shall report the actual situation and provide convenience for the work.
Article 23
Before the loan is fully repaid, the enterprise shall, unless otherwise
approved by the Bank of China, handle all the financial matters in its
business operations through the account it has opened with the Bank of
China and may not transfer its funds to other banks or financial
institutions without authorization. When the Bank of China deems it
necessary, it shall have the right to require the enterprise to open a
custody account.
Article 24
The enterprise shall notify in due time the Bank of China of any major
resolutions or decisions made by its board of directors or by its owner on
financial affairs as well as of any change of personnel in the board. The
enterprise shall solicit the opinions of the Bank of China in advance with
respect to any major amendments and supplements to its joint venture
contract or cooperative contract and its articles of association, if such
amendments and supplements will affect the creditor's rights of the Bank
of China.
Article 25
Unless otherwise approved by the Bank of China, the valid language used in
the legal documents such as the loan contract signed by the enterprise and
the Bank of China and the annexes thereto shall be the Chinese language
and the applicable law shall be the law of the People's Republic of China.
Article 26
The rules for the implementation of these Measures shall be formulated by
the Head Office of the Bank of China. The Bank of China in a special
economic zone may, in the light of its actual business situation, draw up
detailed rules for the implementation thereof, which shall be submitted to
the Head Office of the Bank of China for approval before they are
Article 27
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. The
Interim Measures of the Bank of China for Granting Loans to Chinese-
Foreign Equity Joint Ventures approved by the State Council and
promulgated by the Bank of China on March 3, 1981 shall be simultaneously
With respect to the loan contracts signed by the Bank of China and
enterprises before the entry into force of these Measures, such loan
contracts shall continue to be valid.









第一条 为加强新型农村合作医疗补助资金(以下简称新农合补助资金)支付管理,确保资金及时足额到位,根据《国务院办公厅转发卫生部等部门关于建立新型农村医疗制度意见的通知》(国办发[2003]3号)等有关政策要求和财政国库管理制度有关规定,制定本办法。
第二条 实行国库集中支付的新农合补助资金范围,包括按照国家有关政策要求,由中央财政承担的新农合补助资金,以及由地方各级财政承担的新农合补助资金。
第三条 新农合补助资金国库集中支付,坚持资金直达、操作规范、信息透明、监控有力的原则,并按照县级(指县、县级市、市辖区等,下同)统筹和市级(指地级市,自治州等,下同)统筹的不同管理方式,确定资金支付流程。
第四条 实行县级统筹的地区,应当将各级财政承担的新农合补助资金统一归集到县级财政社会保障基金财政专户(以下简称社保专户)。其中:
第五条 实行市级统筹的地区,应当将各级财政承担的新农合补助资金统一归集到市级财政社保专户。其中:
第六条 各级财政要加强新农合补助资金的预算和资金支付管理,确保资金及时足额到位。其中,下级财政承担的新农合补助资金,原则上要先于上级财政支付到位;在确保满足新型农村合作医疗基金支付需要的前提下,省级财政向市县财政社保专户、市级财政向同级或县级财政社保专户、以及县级财政向同级财政或市级财政社保专户拨付本级财政承担的新农合补助资金的具体时间,由省级财政部门确定。
第七条 本办法发布前已经预拨新农合补助资金的地方,财政部门(国库和社会保障部门)应当对预拨情况进行清理,并在本办法发布后25个工作日内,由省级财政(国库部门联合社会保障部门)将预算文件及有关拨款凭证报送财政部(国库司和社会保障司)备案,相应收到的上级财政新农合补助资金纳入本级财政国库单一账户统一管理,不对已预拨的资金进行调整。
第八条 市、县财政部门对于归集到同级财政社保专户中的新型农村合作医疗基金,应当按照《财政部 卫生部关于印发新型农村合作医疗基金财务制度的通知》(财社[2008]8号)、《财政部关于印发新型农村合作医疗基金会计制度的通知》(财会[2008]1号)和财政国库管理制度有关规定,加强资金支付与会计核算管理。
第九条 财政部通过财政国库动态监控系统,对新农合补助资金支付情况进行动态监控,并尽快将财政社保专户新农合基金纳入动态监控系统管理,建立资金全过程动态监控机制。
第十条 新农合补助资金国库集中支付使用的有关支付凭证及会计核算管理,分别参照《财政部 教育部关于印发〈农村义务教育经费保障机制改革中央专项资金支付管理暂行办法〉的通知》(财库[2006]23号)和《财政部关于印发〈农村义务教育经费保障机制改革中央专项资金会计核算暂行办法〉的通知》(财库[2006]27号)执行。
第十一条 省级财政专项资金零余额账户以及市县财政特设专户,与同级财政国库单一账户之间的资金清算与资金调度,按照财政国库管理制度有关规定执行。尚未开设特设专户的市县,应当参照财库[2006]23号文件关于特设专户的有关要求,办理账户开设和信息备案手续。
第十二条 各级财政部门应当按照有关法律法规和本办法规定,加强新农合补助资金支付管理,确保专款专用,不得截留、滞留、挤占和挪用资金。违反法律法规或本办法规定的,追究单位责任人和有关直接责任人责任;情节严重构成犯罪的,移交司法机关,依法追究刑事责任。
第十三条 本办法由财政部负责解释。
第十四条 本办法自发布之日起实施。
